by PMA Dental Care | Mar 27, 2015 | Notes
YOU’RE RETURNING TO WORK after your dental appointment with a numb lip, thanks to a filling! We know it can be annoying. A filling may not be welcome news, but they’re often an important part of your preventative care plan, and much preferable to the alternatives! If...
by PMA Dental Care | Mar 13, 2015 | Education
WE KNOW SOME OF YOU DON’T LIKE TO FLOSS. You may be surprised to hear us say, “we understand!” Flossing each day can be difficult. Perhaps you have sensitive gums, your mouth is small, or you feel like floss wrapped around your fingers cuts off your...
by PMA Dental Care | Mar 6, 2015 | Notes
WE’RE KEEPING OUR TEETH longer than ever before. But in order to stay in optimal health, we need to be vigilant against potential problems. Certain risks can increase as we age. Tooth Decay Risk Increases Aging can cause the base of teeth to become softer. In...
by PMA Dental Care | Feb 27, 2015 | Notes
MOST PEOPLE CLENCH or grind their teeth from time to time. However, if you’re doing so frequently – especially while you’re sleeping – you may be damaging your teeth. The Harmful Effects If you grind your teeth at night (also called bruxing),...
by PMA Dental Care | Feb 18, 2015 | News
SMARTPHONE TECHNOLOGY IS AMAZING. It brings the world to our fingertips. And now, smartphone apps can help us with our daily oral hygiene routines! Smartphone Apps For Both Adults Children Sometimes we all need a little extra motivation to do the right things! If you...