by PMA Dental Care | Dec 28, 2013 | Notes
HAVE YOUR PEARLY WHITE TEETH GONE YELLOW? Yellowing or stained teeth are one of the most common complaints dentists hear from their patients. Stained Teeth? Smoking is one of the worst offenders, but many drinks and foods can also cause staining of your teeth. Here we...
by PMA Dental Care | Dec 11, 2013 | Notes
WITH THE COLDER WEATHER AT THIS TIME OF YEAR many people find themselves with sensitive teeth. If you dread sweet or acidic drinks, ice cream or even avoid hot tea or coffee you are not alone. What Causes Sensitive Teeth One in seven adults experiences tooth...
by PMA Dental Care | Dec 7, 2013 | News
OUR LAST BLOG POST WAS ABOUT THE DUTIES A DENTAL NURSE has at your dental practice. In our latest blog post we catch up with a Christine Franks, our head dental nurse, to find out what dental nursing at PMA Dental Care, Gravesend means to her personally. Christine...
by PMA Dental Care | Nov 26, 2013 | News
A GOOD DENTAL NURSE IS ESSENTIAL FOR GOOD PATIENT CARE and here at PMA Dental Care we pride ourselves on our team of highly trained and skilled dental nurses. Duties A dental nurse’s responsibilities are complex and we thought you might like to know what their...
by PMA Dental Care | Oct 25, 2013 | News
UNTIL NOW, THE ALTERNATIVES TO STRAIGHTEN FRONT TEETH involved either long and expensive orthodontic treatments or destructive and expensive restorative treatments such as veneers or crowns. Even ultrathin veneers involve reduction of natural teeth when used to align...