by PMA Dental Care | Apr 24, 2015 | Blog, Notes
HOW OFTEN DO WE PAUSE to appreciate our own amazing gifts and abilities? It’s easy to take things that come easiest for granted. Mariam Paré’s inspiring story not only gives us courage and motivation to be our best, but it helps put life into perspective. Paralyzed By...
by PMA Dental Care | Apr 10, 2015 | Education
OUR DIET IS FULL OF HIDDEN SUGARS and no amount of preventive care or fluoride can stop tooth decay. We need to help ourselves with some care about what’s in our diet. Sugary Foods Cling To Our Teeth And Cause Cavities When sugar clings to teeth, bacteria feeds...
by PMA Dental Care | Apr 3, 2015 | Education
MOUTH ULCERS ARE SELDOM SERIOUS, but they can drive us crazy! These small, shallow ulcers pop up in our mouths and on the inside of our lips unexpectedly and sometimes take days to heal. The good news is that they’re fairly easy to prevent, once you understand their...
by PMA Dental Care | Apr 1, 2015 | News
FROM THE 1st OR APRIL 2015 NHS Dental charges are changing. Children and those on certain benefits are exempt from paying NHS dental charges. The 2015 NHS dental charges will be: Band 1 (i.e. checkup) will be £18.80. Band 2 (i.e. fillings) will be £51.30 Band 3 (i.e....
by PMA Dental Care | Mar 27, 2015 | Notes
YOU’RE RETURNING TO WORK after your dental appointment with a numb lip, thanks to a filling! We know it can be annoying. A filling may not be welcome news, but they’re often an important part of your preventative care plan, and much preferable to the alternatives! If...