by PMA Dental Care | Jul 10, 2015 | Education
PEOPLE WITH DIABETES are aware of the challenges it brings to managing their lifestyle. Effective diabetes management requires frequent blood sugar checks, careful dietary planning, and close monitoring of other symptoms. The Link Between Diabetes and Gum Disease But...
by PMA Dental Care | Jun 26, 2015 | Notes
HAS IT BEEN A WHILE since you visited the dentist? Does anxiety or worry about discomfort account for your absence? If fear is preventing you from enjoying the health benefits of regular dental appointments, here’s our suggestion: give us a chance to change your mind!...
by PMA Dental Care | Jun 19, 2015 | Blog, Notes
IT MIGHT NOT SEEM SO AT FIRST, but a dental practice is all about relationships—relationships between our team members and our relationships with YOU, our valued patients and friends. When we stop to think about the things we do each day, these things make it all...
by PMA Dental Care | Jun 12, 2015 | Education
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LAID BACK in our dental chair wondering what the numbers mean that your dentist or hygienist calls out while examining your gums? They’re readings of the gum pocket depths in your mouth, and they’re an important part of monitoring your gum health....
by PMA Dental Care | Jun 5, 2015 | Education
CHEWING IS THE FIRST STEP in digestion! But chewing our food only enough to swallow it down doesn’t count. If you’re rushing proper chewing—especially if it’s due to dental distress—you’re robbing yourself of some important benefits! Chewing Helps Retain Energy And...