by PMA Dental Care | May 6, 2016 | News
NATIONAL SMILE MONTH is celebrating it’s 40th birthday this year. As usual we will be giving away free goody bags to our younger patients to help celebrate this year’s event. Find out how to get a bag. 2016’s Smile Month Key Message Most of us brush...
by PMA Dental Care | Apr 8, 2016 | Notes
THE TRUTH IS, our teeth are amazing! Without them we wouldn’t be able to speak, eat, sing, or smile properly. We’d like to celebrate our teeth by sharing some interesting dental facts you may not have known! Here Are 10 Fun Dental Facts If you’ve been using...
by PMA Dental Care | Apr 1, 2016 | Feedback
FOR THE AVERAGE PERSON, you only see your dentist twice a year. While you may think going to the dentist simply requires you to show up and open wide, it’s important to take advantage of each and every dental visit! We want to answer your questions and address your...
by PMA Dental Care | Mar 18, 2016 | Notes
THE TOOTH FAIRY is one of many childhood fantasy figures we remember fondly. We lost our baby teeth, stuck them under our pillow, and the mysterious tooth fairy would swap our teeth out for money! What could be better? The tooth fairy isn’t quite the same for everyone...
by PMA Dental Care | Jan 15, 2016 | Education, Uncategorized
DENTISTS AREN’T JUST LOOKING FOR CAVITIES at your routine checkup. A quick examination of your mouth can reveal a lot more about your oral and overall health than you think. The dentist may even discover some of your quirky habits! Here are a few things dentists may...