by PMA Dental Care | Oct 16, 2015 | Education
IT’S IMPORTANT TO HAVE healthy teeth and gums at any age, but how early should you start to think about your child’s oral health? It may be sooner than you think! Proper Oral Health Care Starts At The Beginning Infants usually begin teething between six and twelve...
by PMA Dental Care | Oct 9, 2015 | Education
AS CHILDREN GROW OLDER, some parents begin to worry about their child’s thumb sucking or dummy habits. This is a normal behavior for an infant, but the older a child gets, the more harm it can do to their oral and dental development. The Pros And Cons Of Dummies...
by PMA Dental Care | Aug 28, 2015 | Education
DO YOU EVER put your baby to bed with a bottle? It may seem harmless. If the bottle contains juice or even milk it may begin to damage their teeth causing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Bacteria Cause Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Milk and juice are full of sugars that combine...
by PMA Dental Care | Aug 21, 2015 | News
TOOTH DECAY IS THE NUMBER ONE CHRONIC DISEASE IN CHILDREN. It’s estimated that 25% of children under 5 years old have some form of tooth decay. 46,500 children last year were admitted to hospital to have teeth extracted. But SO much of the problem is preventable...
by PMA Dental Care | Aug 7, 2015 | Notes
ACCIDENTS HAPPEN when we least expect them. Imagine your at a friend’s or family pick-nick having fun, when a crying child runs up to you with knocked-out tooth in their hand. What should you do? Dental First Aid Saves Teeth Knocking out (luxating is the...