Thinking About Whitening Your Smile?

Thinking About Whitening Your Smile?

SO, YOU WANT TO whiten your teeth. You’re not alone! In fact, when dentists ask what people would most like to improve about their smile, the most common response is they’d like whiter teeth. There Are Several Teeth Whitening Options With so many teeth whitening...
How Everyday Habits Affect Your Teeth

How Everyday Habits Affect Your Teeth

TOOTH ENAMEL HAS the pretty cool reputation of being the hardest substance in the human body. So it may come as a surprise to know that while enamel is super tough, it can also break quite easily! The truth is that our teeth are not invincible, and a lot of everyday...
Don’t Let Gingivitis Keep You From Smiling

Don’t Let Gingivitis Keep You From Smiling

YOU’RE SITTING IN THE DENTAL CHAIR, everything going as planned at your checkup, until your dentist tells you that you have gingivitis. If you haven’t heard of gingivitis before you’re probably thinking, “What is gingivitis? Is it serious? Is it treatable?” We’ve...
How To Care For Your Teething Baby

How To Care For Your Teething Baby

TEETHING IS NO FUN for babies or parents. Some babies’ teeth erupt with no problems at all but for others, it could be a long and painful process. Besides giving your child plenty of tender loving care, here are some things you can do to care for your child’s mouth...
The Benefits of Dental Implants

The Benefits of Dental Implants

IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED TOOTH LOSS, you are not alone. In fact, more than 2.7 million people are missing all of their teeth in the UK, while more than 18 million are missing at least one tooth. Here’s the good news: there are solutions for you. Dental Implants Work...

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