PMA Dental Care Blog
The latest news and top dental care advice from PMA Dental Care Gravesend KentTeeth Grinding At Night Can Cause Severe Damage
MOST PEOPLE CLENCH or grind their teeth from time to time. However, if you're doing so frequently - especially while you're sleeping - you may be damaging your teeth. The Harmful Effects If you grind your teeth at night (also called bruxing), you may already be...
Use Your Smartphone To Brush Smarter
SMARTPHONE TECHNOLOGY IS AMAZING. It brings the world to our fingertips. And now, smartphone apps can help us with our daily oral hygiene routines! Smartphone Apps For Both Adults Children Sometimes we all need a little extra motivation to do the right things! If you...
Saying Goodbye To Your Old Toothbrush
DENTISTS STRONGLY SUGGEST, that we replace our toothbrushes every 3–4 months for maximum effectiveness. Know When To Say Goodbye Take a close look at your toothbrush bristles. Are they frayed? Smashed? Discolored? Kinda gross? It's time for a new toothbrush. If you're...
Gourmet Society Offer for New Patients
FREE 12 MONTH Gourmet Society membership worth £69.95 is being offered to all patients joining Denplan Care or Essentials until the end of February. Reasons to Smile Denplan membership at PMA Dental Care Gravesend provides the ideal way to budget for quality private...
Our Smiles Love Healthy Snacks
WE KNOW that frequent snacking on processed, sugary foods isn't kind to the waistline. But what about its effects on your oral health? As we eat, naturally occurring bacteria in our mouths feed on sugars. This produces acid. When acids aren't cleared away, they can...
2015: The Year Of The Smile
IT ISN'T ALWAYS ABOUT looking like a movie star or supermodel. It's about feeling confident and comfortable with your healthy smile! Smiling's Amazing Benefits You may not typically think about it this way, but your smile is powerful: Smiles can make you healthier....
Tips For Patients With Fixed Retainers
MANY PEOPLE, AFTER COMPLETING orthodontic treatment, are fitted with a fixed retainer - a thin wire that's bonded to the back of teeth, designed to help keep teeth straight and aligned. Fixed retainers can be great! You never have to worry about losing it! However,...
Tips For Dental Patients With Special Needs
FOR BOTH CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, dental care can be challenging. In some cases, limited coordination can make brushing and flossing tricky. In other cases there may be less access to professional care. Some patients may experience high anxiety levels...
Tooth-Healthy Entertaining Tips
ENTERTAINING THIS HOLIDAY SEASON? Throw a party that your guests' teeth can appreciate too with some tooth-healthy tips. Consider Appetizers Light On Sugar And Starch Sugary, starchy snacks can contribute to tooth decay. Mix up your appetizers with some of these...
Your Jaw: Incredible Force + Amazing Precision
EVER WONDERED HOW THE PRESSURE of the human bite stacks up against the bone-crushing pressure of a hyena bite? We may not have the power some creatures have—but the complexity and precision of the human bite is simply remarkable. Our Jaws And Teeth Balance Force And...